Dark times ascended on us when the covid pandemic established itself in our lives during the first quarter of 2020. The lockdown was a blow right on our knees. Like for most, it was a totally new situation that we had to deal with, something we did not experience before. We had events scheduled throughout the months at various south Indian states and suddenly everything was at a stand still, no one knew when things would start moving, no one knew if it would start moving ever. Times filled with doubts about the very core of our life.

It was a slow process but as the flow of life does not stop, we slowly got accustomed to the situation that had presented itself and channelled our mind to the mantra of “Let’s take it slow, let’s wait and see how things unfold” ! With our fingers crossed!

Initially a good number of events happened with extremely minimal coverage which put us down real low. Many events got postponed too. We ran on a skeletal crew of just one photographer and one videographer for most of these events.

By the time it was May, calls and discussions started sprouting up between clients and us as if new blossoms were waking up from a long winter. Things were starting to catch momentum. It seemed as if the world could not be held down by this invisible monster. People needed to get on with their life, start new chapters, get married, and find happiness! There was no way covid could get in the way of people’s happiness after all!

Fast forward to June and up until December, it was as if we have woken up to a more buzzing world of weddings and events! Those months were the most eventful in the company’s history. We covered 100 + events! Our lockdown events! The events which taught us the way to function with caution and preparedness! We cannot be more grateful than we are for the great bounce back we have had!

Through the times what we learned was that our clients came back to us for the one thing that we provide like no other in the industry.. that we found success in even the most trying times because of what we offered – the service, photography and story lines that we cook up no matter what comes down around us.

Having made a headway through 2020, we are ready and taking on 2021 with a new zest, having learnt that we will make it through because we have standards that we strive to beat ourselves to! The competition is always against ourselves!

There are so many big and small changes that we adapted to!

We worked on our voices which needed to be much more louder with the masks on, and we rely on actions and hand gestures to get the message across while shooting! Fun filled change at times.. gives us moments to laugh and relax while at work.

We are aware of the risks that come with this job at this point. Awareness has kept us cautious.. following covid 19 protocols – sanitizing, social distancing(wherever and as much as it can be applied given the nature of the job!) and other precautions have ensured that both our clients and us are safe while interacting with each other.

We cannot wait for the this year to unfold and get to events that will tell our success stories loud and make memories for our clients beautiful and cherished!

We are ready! Nothing is going to stop us!

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